Audio Sampling Display

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We were approached by Mood Entertainment (formerly Somerset Group LTD), a subsidiary of Allegro Media Group, the largest provider of specialty music sold through non-traditional retailers.  Mood asked us to provide a low-cost solution to replace their permanent interactive displays the company was currently using in retail environments.

Larger retailers had asked to be provided with self-liquidating interactive players that could be shipped along with the specialty music CDs and could be disposed of after the CDs were all sold.

Challenges We Faced

The primary challenge was providing high fidelity sound appropriate for selling music CDs but at a low-cost and with high reliability.

Another challenge was the lead time. These POS display modules are relatively large in size and shipping by airfreight from the Far East was prohibitive. At the same time, the lead time from the final selection of music by the retailer, to delivery was short. Oftentimes, the customer wouldn’t know exactly which music selections needed to be programmed onto the unit until just weeks before the campaign was scheduled to ship.


Solutions We Provided

We developed an interactive display that allowed customers to sample high fidelity selections from up to 16 different music CDs with a disposable module constructed out of cardboard at a fraction of the cost of the permanent musical displays previously provided by the company.

To tackle the challenge of lead time, we provided a unique, innovative solution. The interactive displays could be shipped months in advance to the customer’s distribution center without the music cartridge installed. The music cartridge could be flash programmed and shipped by air, allowing Mood Entertainment to take last-minute orders. An additional benefit of this modular approach was that the POS music players could also be re-purposed as desired.

Project Outcome

With thousands of units shipped the project has been a resounding success.  We were able to dramatically reduce the costs and lead time for in-store music displays and big-box retailers are now able to increase the sale of music CDs by providing in-store sampling units with product displays.

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